Monday, February 25, 2008

A game for kids.

My mom told me recently about how she used to make memory games out of frozen juice concentrate lids by putting stickers on them. What a great, easy and fun little idea for those of us with little kids! I have been saving my lids and here is the finished product:

It's fun too that it can be expanded as you collect more lids, and you can use your child's favorite characters. Any other homemade game or activity ideas for kids?


Kristen M said...

FUN! thx for the idea!

Anonymous said...

SO FLIPPIN AWSOME!!!!!! THANX ALOT! u know how you alway have to go out and buy memory cards.....but now you can just make them!!!!!! your mom is soooooo much appreciated and so are you! MAN! peace out! :)

Anonymous said...

lol! thanx! :)

Meredith said...

ava, you are too funny...nice comment. my mom will be so flattered!

Pam said...

Very cute! I am a nut for saving all sorts of things like the juice lids, etc. I did something similar to mine. I printed out two copies of pictures of all the cousins and relatives in our family and then circle punched them out and made a memory game with the lids. My boys loved it!