Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How to Fold a Fitted Sheet

I've always wanted to know how to do this, and I came across this super helpful video. I think with practice it could actually be done pretty quickly!

PS: Does anyone else's husband fold fitted sheets? Neither does mine:)


Brad and Ang said...

Wow! I had no idea you could get a fitted sheet to look like that! Now if only I could remember this when I am doing laundry! Thanks for the post!

Kristen M said...

You guys fold your sheets?? I just shove 'em into the closet. ;) No really, great vid Mere.

Danielle said...

i would fold my sheets if i ever washed them. JUST KIDDING. but really. i'm a master at folding clothes (thanks to working for the gap) but folding sheets? well, we don't speak...